El Ministerio de Salud y la Protección Social certifica a DIAGNÓSTICO E IMÁGENES DEL VALLE IPS S.A.S. Se encuentra habilitada para prestar los servicios de salud.
Adoptado mediante circular 0076 de 02 de Noviembre de 2007


Board Portals for Meetings

Access to materials and documents is essential to have a productive meeting. Board portals automate the compilation, distribution, and tracking of meeting packets which saves valuable time and resources for administrators and board members alike.

Modern board management tools facilitate real-time collaboration across multiple devices, platforms and locations to enable board members to take on a more active role in governance both inside and outside the meeting room. They also can incorporate eSignature technologies that not only enable hybrid and remote meetings, but also verify the authenticity digitally to provide peace home ofmind.

Board-level documents are among the most sensitive data in any business. It is essential that your board portal provides instant updates, so that each board member has access to the most current version. This will also help save your board time by stopping them from arguing over an outdated version of a document in meetings.

Your board portal should have central storage for files and documents, so your board members don’t have to peruse physical meeting packs or look through a cluttered and out of date email threads. Your software for boards should allow members to access meeting agendas and meeting agenda items from their personalized dashboard, so that they don’t need to spend time searching for information or trying to remember important dates.

You can create meeting materials within minutes and not hours with the best board portals. With templates, the ability to duplicate agendas from previous meetings and calendar integrations that show board members’ real-time availability Your board can cut down time on administrative tasks and concentrate more on the business they run.