El Ministerio de Salud y la Protección Social certifica a DIAGNÓSTICO E IMÁGENES DEL VALLE IPS S.A.S. Se encuentra habilitada para prestar los servicios de salud.
Adoptado mediante circular 0076 de 02 de Noviembre de 2007


Teen Newsfeed: Legal Tips and Tricks

Hey everyone! Have you ever wondered if it’s legal to put flyers on cars? Well, it’s important to know your rights and regulations when it comes to advertising in public spaces. Make sure to check local laws before you start putting flyers on cars!

If you’re interested in a career in the legal field, you might want to explore Canada legal services. Expert legal advice and representation can make a huge difference in various legal matters, so it’s a great path to consider!

For those of you dreaming of joining the British Army, it’s essential to know the British Army requirements for foreigners. Eligibility and the application process are vital factors to consider before pursuing this career path!

Are you a car enthusiast? Have you ever wondered, “Is factory tint legal?” Knowing the laws about car window tinting can save you from potential legal issues, so it’s crucial to stay informed!

Thinking about marriage and legal agreements? You might want to look into a printable postnuptial agreement template. It’s a smart move to be prepared for any future possibilities, so don’t overlook the importance of legal documentation!

Entrepreneurs out there, ever thought about starting a landscaping business? Check out this guide on how to start a landscaping business on Reddit. It’s a great resource to get started on the right foot!

Dealing with divorce or separation? Make sure to have a copy of a separation agreement handy. Legal documentation is crucial for divorce proceedings, so be prepared!

Have you ever had to file an amended tax return? It can be a complex process, but this ultimate guide can help you navigate the necessary steps with ease!

Considering a career in law? Explore the top NYC law schools to find the best options for your legal education. It’s essential to choose the right school to set yourself up for success!

Thinking of subleasing a car? Check out the legal guidelines and requirements to ensure a smooth and hassle-free process. It’s important to understand the legal aspects of any contract before signing!